Old Dog says,

“Experience is experience. Whatever, we think or say about the experience is a story. “

“There is truth to your story, but your story is never all of truth. Your story is never the only truth. Your story isn’t the only story. And your story is never, ever the experience.”

This trick and concept is a foundation to many things. It offers us the path to the realization of choice. It is an opportunity and path to the fulfillment of knowing that you are truly the "author" of your life. But, how we perceive our experiences and how we portray ourselves creates the reality of our relationships with self and  others. By accepting this as a belief and a daily practice, we open ourselves to "authentic authorship".

People may try to interfere and challenge your authorship and creating reality. Their world and story is based what they may consider to be facts, rules and their construct of reality.  For many, the only way that they can feel right is to prove others wrong. 

This ability to fully own what one thinks and says as one’s own story is why this trick is a foundation to thinking differently.

It is Old Dog’s sincere belief that we are all making things up all the time. This idea seems to disturb many people. It may be an indication of how some are more comfortable with rigid definitions of what we call fiction and non-fiction or a fact and belief. What Old Dog  offers here are thoughts which affirm and emphasize that each of has a specific perspective and point of view. 

The main difference in life is that some of us are willing to admit that we are making things up and others are not. It becomes more of an issue of whether one is willing to accept a level of responsibility for one’s life in more authentic and vital ways.

If, you don’t realize or admit you are making things up then Old Dog says that you are either fooling yourself (which can be fun) or you are lying. 


Hear Old Dog Tell You

Featured Old Dog Stuff


