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Expectations, when they are comprised of hope are an invitation to fully follow our desires and dreams. When, they take on the nature of believing that we are owed a specific outcome, it is a path firmly leading to disappointment. It is our resistance to living in the moment with its changes that cause us to struggle with our expectations. Part of the struggle is about situations not being fair. Fairness is predominately a gift we offer each other more than a demand we can make out of life. 

Old Dog says, “A way to look at fairness is in that when the wolves attack the herd then prey on the weak, sick, young and old. This obviously not fair. It is not fair to the wolves that there are so few weak, sick, young and old.”

Expectations are always a matter of perspective and which side of the mirror one stands on.

Our ability to accept change and rewrite the story accordingly enables us to reset our expectations. This allows us to be authentic in the moment by readjusting our expectations to fully support what we truly want and need.

The adventure of life unfolds in both evident clear ways and often in mysterious ways. The challenge and resistance to change is often enabled by our ego which can be unwilling to admit we might be wrong in our prediction and too willful to accept the reality at hand. Keeping an open heart and mind allows us to cope with the curse of disappointment while accepting the blessing of new opportunities that arise. 

Old Dog says, “That if you really could predict the future, we would all be talking about Powerball numbers.” 

Expectations can be a tool of fulfillment. When, they reflect our being in choice, they allow us a freedom of acceptance and satisfaction. 


